ul. Marselia Salimjanova, d. 14
Mon-Sun: from 09:00 to 21:00

    Please read the terms and conditions of equipment rental.

    You can get advice, find out about availability and book equipment by phone: +7 (495) 118-40-47 (Moscow), +7 (812) 467-40-42 (St. Petersburg), +7 (831) 235 -04-09 (Nizhny Novgorod), +7 (843) 204-29-50 (Kazan), +7 (846) 215-04-95 (Samara), +7 (473) 205-21-27 (Voronezh), +7 (863) 333-97-21 (Rostov-on-Don), +7 (861) 212-10-52 (Krasnodar)

    Equipment is not given out without a reservation!

    If you are renting equipment from us for the first time please fill out  a customer questionnaire for an individual. Without a completed and approved form, you cannot book, collect equipment or order delivery.

    Also, if you have a VKontakte or Instagram profile, please join our group on VK or follow  the page on Instagram  and indicate your profile in the questionnaire. This action is not mandatory, but greatly increases the positive result of consideration of your application for rent without a deposit.

    The questionnaire is reviewed within 24 hours. If you do not want to fill out and send your information and scans of your documents through the site, you can fill out the form in our office at any working hours.

    Upon approval of the questionnaire, an employee of our company will call you back and be able to make a reservation for you. At the first conclusion of the contract, you are given a personal (cumulative discount) client card.


    If you have been given a named customer card, we cannot provide you with the equipment next time without presenting this card when you collect the equipment. Please don't forget or lose your card. If you lose your card, your account will be blocked and you will have to fill out and review the questionnaire all over again.

    Equipment ordering:

    Minimum rental time is one shift (day). Shift is 24 hours (day). That is, if you collect the equipment at 14:00 for one shift, then by 14:00 the next day you have to return it and it will be counted as one shift. If you do not return the equipment before 14:00, but, for example, you return it at 19:00, then it counts as an additional shift. The shift counts from the time you place the reservation, not from the time of the actual collection.

    Reservations can be made by phone: +7 (495) 118-40-47 (Moscow), +7 (812) 467-40-42 (St. Petersburg), +7 (831) 235-04-09 (Nizhny Novgorod), +7 (843) 204-29-50 (Kazan), +7 (846) 215-04-95 (Samara), +7 (473) 205-21-27 (Voronezh), +7 (863) 333- 97-21 (Rostov-on-Don), +7 (861) 212-10-52 (Krasnodar) for a certain date and number of shifts. (If the phone is busy or nobody picked up the phone the first time, please call back - we ship the equipment and conclude contracts. We will definitely answer and consult you.)

    Equipment booking organization:

    There are four possible options:

    1. Handing out equipment by documents.
    2. Handing out equipment on a cash deposit.
    3. Handing out equipment on the pledge of your equipment.
    4. Handing out equipment on the recommendation and guarantee of our regular customers.


    1.1 Original Russian passport with registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. Temporary registration is not suitable. We give the original passport back to you and keep the scan of the main page and the page with the registration. We scan documents in our office.

    1.2 Also you need to have one of three documents: 

    А) passport 
    Б) driver's license 
    В) military service book 

    Any of these three documents of your choice. We keep this document (the original) as a pledge for the duration of the use of our property.

    You don’t need to bring the second pledge document after the first rental from our company.

    1.3 A standard contract is concluded.

    All documents must be registered for one individual and the contract is drawn up for the same person.


    The cash deposit is calculated separately in each case, but as a rule, in the amount of 80% of the cost of new equipment. If you rent an equipment on a cash deposit, you also need to fill out a customer questionnaire, but the approval procedure is simplified.


    It is always considered on an individual basis. Inform about this type of pledge beforehand when making a reservation. 


    If you do not have the opportunity to rent the equipment under the previous three schemes - perhaps one of your friends is our regular customer who we trust and can vouch for you. The guarantee and the volume of equipment under this guarantee are considered on an individual basis. 

    We do not register equipment to persons under 18 years of age.


    When concluding a contract for a legal entity, please fill out a client questionnaire for a legal entity or send your organization's registration card with details and a scan of a signed power of attorney with the organization's seal to the employee who will pick up the equipment to our email address rent@delight.rent You can download the example of the power of attorney using this link. The employee must carry the original passport. We scan your employee's passport, please get his prior consent.


    DeLight Rent has the right to refuse to hand out equipment to persons who take equipment from our company for the first time without giving reasons. 

    Terms of payment

    Individuals can pay for the rental of equipment in cash or by credit card at our office when collecting or returning the equipment. DeLight may refuse to hand out equipment (including reserved one) to customers with outstanding debts.

    If you need to cancel a reservation or reschedule a rental, you must call us at least 24 hours before the confirmed time of equipment delivery. If you cancel or reschedule the reservation later than 24 hours prior to the issuance time, a fine of 50% of the equipment rental cost per day will be withheld. If you did not collect the booked equipment without warning, a fine of 100% of the cost of equipment rental per day is withheld. In case of an earlier return from the booked one (a day or more), the corresponding part of the rent is returned to the Renter for deducting the cost of 1 additional day of rent from the actual return time.

    Our company works with legal entities ONLY on a prepaid basis. For payment by bank transfer, you must send an accounting card of your organization with the details for the invoice. The invoice is generated on the basis of the order (reservation). The money must be received before the equipment is collected. Upon the collection, on the basis of the issued equipment, a contract and act of transfer of equipment are formed. Upon return, an act of return and an act of services rendered are formed. If the amount of the order is less than the amount of the contract, then an additional invoice is issued for payment. If the amount of the order is more than the amount of the contract, the prepayment remains on your deposit in our company, and you can use it for the next order.


    You can clarify delivery conditions with managers by phone: +7 (495) 118-40-47 (Moscow), +7 (812) 467-40-42 (St. Petersburg), +7 (831) 235-04-09 (Nizhny Novgorod), +7 (843) 204-29-50 (Kazan), +7 (846) 215-04-95 (Samara), +7 (473) 205-21-27 (Voronezh), +7 (863) 333-97-21 (Rostov-on-Don), +7 (861) 212-10-52 (Krasnodar)