ul. Marselia Salimjanova, d. 14
Mon-Sun: from 09:00 to 21:00

    Delight.rent has the following types of discounts.

    Warning! Discounts are not cumulative (including personal discounts), the calculation is based on the largest one. All discounts apply only to the rental of equipment. Discounts do not apply to staff work and delivery.

    1. Discounts for regular customers

    from 30,000 rubles or after the conclusion of the 5th contract - 5%

    from 50,000 rubles or after the conclusion of the 10th contract. - 10%

    from 100,000 rubles or after the conclusion of the 15th contract - 15%

    from 200,000 rubles or after the conclusion of the 20th contract - 20%

    Discount is granted indefinitely

    2. Depending on the number of shifts (for projects) (one-time)

    From 3 to 5 shifts - 5% - 5%

    From 5 to 7 shifts - 10%

    From 7 to 14 shifts - 15%

    From 14 to 30 shifts - 20%

    From 30 shifts - 30%

    If the actual period of rental is reduced compared to the original application, the discount is recalculated downward in accordance with the actual number of shifts.

    3. Student discounts

    10% - for students of all universities

    20% - for students and graduate students of film universities, film schools and art departments

    Discounts are valid upon presentation of a student card for the period of its validity.